Skip Tracing – 3 Common Mistakes People Make
Skip tracing can be a lucrative and very low cost marketing medium, but if you don’t know what you’re doing it’s inevitable that you’ll make some mistakes. There isn’t necessarily a steep learning curve to skip tracing, but there is a learning curve. Here at Skip Genie, we’ve been skip tracing for a long time. […]
What Should You Do If You’re Unable To Reach The Homeowner?
If you have skip traced a homeowner and still are unable to reach them, we highly recommend that you pull a relationship report. Here at Skip Genie, relationship reports (the phone numbers of the relatives & likely associates of the homeowner) are WAY underutilized, but they can be so important that they can literally make […]
Dealing With Squatters – This Squatter Improved The Property

We had found a property with about $40,000 worth of tax issues that was worth $90,000 to $100,000. At some point it was a deceased vacant property. We contacted the homeowner, and they were going to just deed the property over to us. Her and her brother had grown up in the home, and they […]