Phone Game & Real Estate Investing
When you’re trying to make good money as an investor part of your success hinges on how well you communicate with the home seller. Communicating effectively with the home seller includes a lot of basics that most of you are already familiar with, such as building rapport. You need to get the home seller to […]
Introduction to Texting Homeowners
More and more often we are getting responses from leads that we’ve already called several times after we text them. If they don’t answer our voicemail, or if we get a phone number with a full mailbox, then we follow up with a text message. A lot of our leads who didn’t reply to our […]
What Job Qualifications Should A Good Cold Caller Have?
As real estate investors use cold calling to scale their business, there inevitably comes a time when it isn’t practical for them to make cold calls anymore. This means that it’s time to hire one or more cold callers so that you can better spend your time. The position of a cold caller is an […]